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What is the cost to open a Franchise?Franchise Fee – The current Franchise Fee is $39,000 and is subject to change Store and Office Equipment – The cost to open the store and to acquire the necessary computers, desks, and accessories varies depending on location. However, we estimate the cost to be between $10,000 and $20,000. Rental Equipment and Trailers – We require each TRAX PowerSports Rentals® franchise to have at least 15 pieces of PowerSports rental equipment. All equipment must be new and in good operating condition. The cost of this equipment will vary based on the product mix. However, we suggest having access to at least a $200,000 line-of-credit to purchase this equipment.
Is financing available?Yes. Through a third party financing company we can help arrange financing for Rental Equipment and Trailers. A typical financing line-of-credit provides for financing of 75% of all titled Rental Equipment.
Can I choose my location?Yes. Although there are some minor limitations on locations, we will work with you to open a TRAX PowerSports Rentals® location of your choosing.
Am I required to have a certain mix of equipment?No. We will work with you to identify the optimal product mix for your location. We do require each TRAX PowerSports Rentals® location to have at least 15 rental items available by the beginning of the twelfth month of operation. Many locations will have more than the required 15 items. Each item of rental equipment is required to be purchased new, and all items in your fleet must be current year models. These items may not be older than 18 months old, although exceptions may be approved through the Franchisor in writing.
How do I purchase the rental equipment for my TRAX PowerSports Rental® location?We encourage Franchisees to develop relationships with their local PowerSports dealers. We will assist each Franchisee in developing these relationships and obtaining fleet and rental discounts. TRAX PowerSports Rentals® has existing relationships and has negotiated discounts on many types of equipment. We are continually working to develop more relationships with the manufacturers and increased purchase discounts. Franchisees have access to these relationships and discounts.
Am I required to charge certain rates?No. We provide recommendations and guidelines but each Franchisee will establish their own rates and discounts.
Is my location required to be open on Sundays and Holidays?No. We have designed rental rates and times to allow rental customers to return their machines the morning following Sundays and Holidays. Therefore, those Franchisees who desire to close on Sundays and Holidays have a template for allowing this to happen.
What are the typical hours for a TRAX PowerSports Rentals® location?Each Franchisee is allowed to establish their own hours. However, experience suggests that morning and evening are the typical times for picking up and returning rental equipment. Typical Hours: Monday 8am-6pm and Tuesday - Saturday 9am-6pm Our location in Morgan, Utah is open Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. On Mondays and the day following holidays, we open an hour earlier at 7:00 AM to allow renters from Sundays and holidays to return their machines before going to work. We are closed Sundays and holidays. Rentals on Sundays and holidays are allowed to return their machines the following morning by 8:00 AM.
Is it possible to have more than one TRAX PowerSports Rentals® franchise?Yes. Each location requires a separate franchise agreement. However, there are discounted franchise fees for multiple locations.
Do I need to have mechanical skills or hire a mechanic?No. As noted above, we encourage Franchisees to develop relationships with their local PowerSports dealers. Many of these dealers will be anxious to work with you and give you priority on equipment maintenance, service, and repair. However, many Franchisees will want to hire part-time mechanics or service people to work on the equipment.
Will I be required to always be on call to answer the phone and take reservations?No. One of the significant benefits of being a TRAX PowerSports Rentals® Franchisee is our leading edge online reservation system and our centralized live reservation center. Not only can renters reserve online 24/7 with an easy to use reservation system, they can call 7 days per week and speak with a live reservationist who will answer their questions and help them with their reservation. Franchisees will be able to take reservations but they can be assured that both online and live reservations will be taken for them while they are taking care of existing customers.
How long does it take to open my Franchise location?We will help you to move at your own pace, so timing really depends on you. However; from the time we receive your application until your store is open generally takes at least 6 months.

Side by Side Rentals from TRAX PowerSports
Whether your adventure takes you to the sand dunes or to the tops of the mountain trails we have the machine for you. Our Side by Side rentals provide a comfortable environment for 2, 3, 4, or even 6 riders. This creates an entirely different experience from an ATV. Side by Side UTVs allow you to talk, laugh, and enjoy being together while exploring the great outdoors.
Today’s Side by Sides (also referred to as Utility Terrain Vehicles or UTVs or RZRs/Maverick X3s) offer the convenience and comfort of padded seats, power steering, seat-belts, and doors while providing a powerful ride across all sorts of terrain. Best of all, one can cover many miles of trail hauling all sorts of equipment and gear in a single day.
Why Rent a Side by Side UTV
The debate over owning vs renting Side by Sides has raged ever since these vehicles became a popular mode of off-road transportation. Many feel that if you’re outdoors enough to really enjoy the benefits that a Side by Side has to offer, then you might as well buy one. Yet there are a number of drawbacks that may come from buying one of these vehicles outright:
Costs: A new side by side can cost from $7,000 to in excess of $49,000. You may buy one used for less, but then risk the chance that the previous owner didn’t take care of it as they should have. There are also the added expenses of registering, insuring, repairing, maintaining, and storing the vehicle.
Storage: While not as large as a car, a Side by Side still occupies almost an entire section of your garage. Storing it outside is an option, but exposure causes damage to the machine.
With a Side by Side rental from TRAX PowerSports Rentals, the only expenses you have to worry about are the rental fees and gasoline. Once you’re done with it, simply return it to us and we’ll handle the rest.
Reserve Yours Today
Make your next camping trip, hunting trip, or family excursion that much more fun with one of the new Side by Side UTVs from TRAX PowerSports Rentals®. Whether you need a side by side rental in the Salt Lake City, Bountiful, Farmington, Layton, or Ogden area to go down to Moab, or you are in Northern Utah and want to hit the trails around Bear Lake, Park City, Monte Cristo, or the Uintas, TRAX PowerSports Rentals® has a side by side rental for you! Reserve online or give us a call at our reservation center to reserve your Side by Side UTV today.
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